

isValidWIF(key, network) → {Boolean}

Check if a WIF is valid for a specific CoinNetwork

Name Type Description
key string

Base58 WIF Private Key

network CoinNetwork

Type Definitions

CoinInfo :Object

An object that contains information about a coins Name, Network, and access to an explorer

Name Type Description
name string

All lowercase "name" of the CoinInfo, this is what is passed in to the supported_coins check. This cannot include spaces.

displayName string

The Display Name for the Coin, this would be the full official name and can include spaces.

ticker string

The "Ticker" that is used to track the Coin on Exchanges

satPerCoin number

The number of satoshis per single coin

feePerKb number

The amount of fee in satoshis to pay per kilobyte of data being put into the blockchain

feePerByte number

The amount of fee in satoshis to pay per byte of data being put into the blockchain

maxFeePerByte number

The maximum fee to pay per byte of data being put into the blockchain

minFee number

The minimum fee that should ever be paid

dust number

Amount in Satoshis of the minimum value allowed to be sent around the network

txVersion number

The current TX version number for the coin

explorer InsightExplorer

An InsightExplorer for the current coin so that data can be retreived from the network

getExtraBytes function

A function that is passed options from TransactionBuilder when a transaction is being built/sent. You can use this to add custom logic/tx hex building.

network CoinNetwork

The specific coin network variables, same as used in bitcoinjs-lib

	name: 'flo',
	displayName: 'Flo',
	ticker: 'FLO',
	satPerCoin: 1e8,
	feePerKb: floFeePerKb,
	feePerByte: floFeePerKb / 1024,
	maxFeePerByte: 100,
	minFee: floFeePerKb,
	dust: 100000,

	txVersion: 2,

	explorer: new Insight(''),

	getExtraBytes: function(options){
		var fData = options.floData || ""
		return varIntBuffer(fData.length).toString("hex") + Buffer.from(fData).toString("hex")

	network: CoinNetwork

CoinNetwork :Object

An object that contains version variables specific to the Coin

Name Type Description
bip32 Object

BIP32 Variables

Name Type Description
public number

The Extended Public Key version bytes

private number

The Extended Private Key version bytes

slip44 number

The coin_type number for the coin, must match SLIP-0044

messagePrefix string

The Prefix to add on when checking/signing a message

pubKeyHash number

The coin specific "version" used when creating a Public Key Hash (Public Address)

scriptHash number

The coin specific "version" used when creating a Script Hash

wif number

Wallet Import Format "version" for this specific coin

	bip32: {
		public: 0x0134406b,
		private: 0x01343c31
	slip44: 216,
	messagePrefix: '\x1bFlorincoin Signed Message:\n',
	pubKeyHash: 35,
	scriptHash: 94,
	wif: 163

StatusObject :Object

Name Type Description
success Boolean

If the attempt was successful

error string

The error text (if there was an error)

  • Yes


StatusObject :Object

Name Type Description
success Boolean

If the attempt was successful

error string

The error text (if there was an error)


TXID :string

The Transaction ID on the Blockchain.


Full TXID Reference


Shortened TXID Reference
