

(constant) DEFAULT_OPTS

These are the default arguments for a Psbt instance.




This function is needed to pass to the bip174 base class's fromBuffer. It takes the "transaction buffer" portion of the psbt buffer and returns a Transaction (From the bip174 library) interface.


Type Definitions

AddressState :Object

Contains information about an Unspent Transaction Output

Name Type Description
addrStr string

Base58 Public Address

balanceSat number

Balance of the Address in Satoshis

totalReceivedSat number

Total Received to the Address in Satoshis

unconfirmedBalanceSat number

Unconfirmed Balance of the Address in Satoshis

transactions Array.<string>

Array of txids that have been confirmed on the Network

spentTransactions Array.<string>

Array of txids that have been spent, but not yet confirmed on the Network

lastUpdated number

Timestamp of when the Address was last updated/synced with the Explorer

  addrStr: 'F8P6nUvDfcHikqdUnoQaGPBVxoMcUSpGDp',
  balanceSat: 0,
  totalReceivedSat: 0,
  unconfirmedBalanceSat: 0,
  transactions: [],
  spentTransactions: [],
  lastUpdated: 0

bip32 :Object

A BIP32 Node that manages Derivation of Chains and Addresses. This is created from the bip32 npm package managed by bitcoinjs.


Spawn a Bitcoin bip32 Node

import * as bip32 from 'bip32';

let bip32Node = bip32.fromBase58("xprv9xpXFhFpqdQK3TmytPBqXtGSwS3DLjojFhTGht8gwAAii8py5X6pxeBnQ6ehJiyJ6nDjWGJfZ95WxByFXVkDxHXrqu53WCRGypk2ttuqncb")

Spawn a Flo bip32 Node

import * as bip32 from 'bip32';
import { Networks } from '@oipwg/hdmw';

let bip32Node = bip32.fromBase58("Fprv4xQSjQhWzrCVzvgkjam897LUV1AfxMuG8FBz5ouGAcbyiVcDYmqh7R2Fi22wjA56GQdmoU1AzfxsEmVnc5RfjGrWmAiqvfzmj4cCL3fJiiC",

bip32utilschain :Object

A BIP32 Chain manager. This is created from the @oipwg/bip32-utils npm package managed by oipwg.

import * as bip32 from 'bip32';
import bip32utils from '@oipwg/bip32-utils';

let bip32Node = bip32.fromBase58("xprv9xpXFhFpqdQK3TmytPBqXtGSwS3DLjojFhTGht8gwAAii8py5X6pxeBnQ6ehJiyJ6nDjWGJfZ95WxByFXVkDxHXrqu53WCRGypk2ttuqncb")
let chain = new bip32utils.Chain(bip32Node)

CoinInfo :Object

An object that contains information about a coins Name, Network, and access to an explorer

Name Type Description
name string

All lowercase "name" of the CoinInfo, this is what is passed in to the supportedCoins check. This cannot include spaces.

displayName string

The Display Name for the Coin, this would be the full official name and can include spaces.

ticker string

The "Ticker" that is used to track the Coin on Exchanges

satPerCoin number

The number of satoshis per single coin

feePerKb number

The amount of fee in satoshis to pay per kilobyte of data being put into the blockchain

feePerByte number

The amount of fee in satoshis to pay per byte of data being put into the blockchain

maxFeePerByte number

The maximum fee to pay per byte of data being put into the blockchain

minFee number

The minimum fee that should ever be paid

dust number

Amount in Satoshis of the minimum value allowed to be sent around the network

txVersion number

The current TX version number for the coin

explorer Insight

An Insight explorer for the current coin so that data can be retrieved from the network

network CoinNetwork

The specific coin network variables, same as used in @oipwg/bitcoinjs-lib

  name: 'flo',
  displayName: 'Flo',
  ticker: 'FLO',
  satPerCoin: 1e8,
  feePerKb: floFeePerKb,
  feePerByte: floFeePerKb / 1000,
  maxFeePerByte: 100,
  minFee: floFeePerKb,
  dust: 100000,

  txVersion: 2,

  explorer: new Insight(''),

  network: CoinNetwork

CoinNetwork :Object

An object that contains version variables specific to the Coin

Name Type Description
bip32 Object

BIP32 Variables

Name Type Description
public number

The Extended Public Key version bytes

private number

The Extended Private Key version bytes

slip44 number

The coinType number for the coin, must match SLIP-0044

messagePrefix string

The Prefix to add on when checking/signing a message

pubKeyHash number

The coin specific "version" used when creating a Public Key Hash (Public Address)

scriptHash number

The coin specific "version" used when creating a Script Hash

wif number

Wallet Import Format "version" for this specific coin

  bip32: {
    public: 0x0134406b,
    private: 0x01343c31
  slip44: 216,
  messagePrefix: '\x1bFlorincoin Signed Message:\n',
  pubKeyHash: 35,
  scriptHash: 94,
  wif: 163

ECPair :Object


OutputAddress :Object

An Output for a Transaction

{ "FHQvhgDut1rn1nvQRZ3z9QgMEVMavRo2Tu": 0.00001 }
{ "base58-public-address": valueInWholeCoin }

SelectedInputOutput :Object

An object returned from coinselect that contains information about selected inputs, outputs, and the fee.

Name Type Description
inputs Array.<TXInput>

An Array of Transaction Inputs

outputs Array.<TXOutput>

An Array of Transaction Outputs

fee number

The Calculated Fee to pay


TXInput :Object

A Transaction Input

Name Type Description
address string

Base58 Public Address

txId string

Parent Transaction ID

vout number

Index of output in Parent Transaction

scriptPubKey string

Script Public Key Hash

value number

Balance of the input in Satoshis

  address: 'F8P6nUvDfcHikqdUnoQaGPBVxoMcUSpGDp',
  txId: '7687e361f00998f96b29938bf5b7d9003a15ec182c13b6ddbd5adc0f993cbf9c',
  vout: 1,
  scriptPubKey: '76a9141bfcff1731caf3a16225d3e78735ddc229e4fc6c88ac',
  value: 100000

TXOutput :Object

A Transaction Output

Name Type Description
address string

Base58 Public Address

value number

Amount to send Satoshis

  address: 'FHQvhgDut1rn1nvQRZ3z9QgMEVMavRo2Tu',
  value: 1000

utxo :Object

Contains information about an Unspent Transaction Output

Name Type Description
address string

Base58 Public Address

txid string

The Transaction ID

vout number

The Index of this specific Output in its parent Transaction

scriptPubKey string

The Script Public Key Hash

amount number

Amount (in whole Coin) of this Output

satoshis number

Amount in Satoshis of this Output

height number

The Blockheight the Parent Transaction was confirmed in

confirmations number

The total number of Confirmations the Parent Transaction has received

  address: 'F8P6nUvDfcHikqdUnoQaGPBVxoMcUSpGDp',
  txid: '7687e361f00998f96b29938bf5b7d9003a15ec182c13b6ddbd5adc0f993cbf9c',
  vout: 1,
  scriptPubKey: '76a9141bfcff1731caf3a16225d3e78735ddc229e4fc6c88ac',
  amount: 0.001,
  satoshis: 100000,
  height: 2784696,
  confirmations: 6828