
import { peer, netaddress, packets, tx, logger, invitem } from 'fcoin'

/* Create a Flo p2p Peer */
class Peer {
   * Initialize the Peer
   * @param  {Object} settings
   * @param  {Object} settings.ip - The IP address of the Flo Peer to connect to
   * @param  {Object} [settings.agent="js-oip fcoin Peer"] - The "name" to display to nodes you connect to.
   * @return {Peer}
  constructor (settings) {
    // Store our internally settings for later use
    this.settings = settings

    // Rename the mainnet network to be what fcoin expects
    if ( === 'mainnet' || === 'livenet') { = 'main' }

    // Set the initial connection status
    this.connected = false
    // Initialize the transaction map to store { 'txid': 'hex' } the txid related to the hex
    this.txMap = {}
    // Initialize a logging limiter variable
    this.singleLog = 0

   * Open a p2p connection to the Peer
   * @return {Boolean} Returns the connection status
  async connect () {
    let log = logger({ level: 'spam' })
    // Create the Fcoin Peer
    this.peer = peer.fromOptions({
      logger: log,
      agent: this.settings.agent,
      hasWitness: () => {
        return false

    // Create a netaddress from our passed in IP address:port
    let address = netaddress.fromHostname(this.settings.ip)

    // Fire off the initial connection attempt

    // When we recieve packets from peers, process them using the onPacket function
    this.peer.on('packet', this.onPacket.bind(this))
    // Handle/log errors
    this.peer.on('error', (e) => {
      console.log('Peer Error: ' + e)

    try {
      // Wait for the peer to open up
      // Set connected to true once we have connected
      this.connected = true
    } catch (e) {
      // Handle connection error and set connected explicitly to false
      this.connected = false

    // Return the final connection status
    return this.connected

   * Announce the availability of a Transaction to the Peer
   * @param  {String} hex - The hex string of the transaction
  announceTX (hex) {
    // First, check if we are connected before attempting to broadcast out
    if (this.connected) {
      try {
        // Create an `fcoin` transaction from our tx hex
        let mytx = tx().fromRaw(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'))

        // Store the hash of the transaction in our txMap
        this.txMap[mytx.hash('hex')] = hex

        // Announce the Transaction to the peer
      } catch (e) {
        // Throw an error if one happened
        console.error('Announce TX Error: ' + e)

   * Handle incoming p2p packets
   * @param  {Packet} packet - The packet that is incoming
  onPacket (packet) {
    // Check which packet type is incoming
    switch (packet.type) {
      // If the packet is `GETDATA` that means they are requesting us to send them tne transaction
      case packets.types.GETDATA:
        // Send the transaction to the peer

   * Handle (respond to) a p2p getdata request
   * @param  {GetDataPacket} getDataPacket - The packet to respond to with data
  handleGetData (getDataPacket) {
    // Track the total number of transactions relayed
    let txsRelayed = 0
    // Track the last txid hash that we sent
    let lastHash

    // If the peer is requesting more than one transaction, or if they have not met the singlelog maximum, then log the request
    if (getDataPacket.items.length > 1 || this.singleLog < 5) { console.log(`[RPC Wallet] Peer ${this.settings.ip} requested ${getDataPacket.items.length} items...`) }

    // Loop through each requested item in the getData packet
    for (let item of getDataPacket.items) {
      // We only care about responding if they are requesting a transction
      let regTX = (item.type === invitem.types.TX)
      let segTX = (item.type === invitem.types.WITNESS_TX)
      // If we are a regular tx, or a segwit tx, then continue
      if (regTX || segTX) {
        // Check to see if we have this transction in our txMap, and if not, skip it (ignore transactions that are not our own)
        if (!this.txMap[item.hash]) { return }

        // Create an `fcoin` tx from the cached tx hex
        let mytx = tx().fromRaw(Buffer.from(this.txMap[item.hash], 'hex'))
        // Include the transaction in a TXPacket to be sent to the Peer
        let txPacket = packets.TXPacket(mytx, segTX)

        // Send out the TXPacket to the Peer
        // Increase our count of transactions relayed
        // Store the previous hash (for logging purposes)
        lastHash = mytx.rhash()

    // If we have responded to at least one getdata item, then log our response
    if (txsRelayed > 0) {
      // If we have logged a single tx being relayed more than 5 times, then just skip logging (to prevent spam)
      if (txsRelayed === 1 && this.singleLog > 5) { return }

      // If we only relayed a single transaction, then increase the "singleLog" counter
      if (txsRelayed === 1) { this.singleLog++ }

      // Log information about the sent transactions
      console.log(`[RPC Wallet] Relayed ${txsRelayed} requested transactions to ${this.settings.ip} (last txid ${lastHash})`)

export default Peer